Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number


Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number' title='Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number' />Shelyak Instruments. Planets rotation. Recommended equipment Lhires III, e. Shel. Time one evening acquisition, 4h analysis in groupIntroduction. Doppler Fizeau effect is particularly visible on Jupiter or Saturn spectra taken with Lhires III. One spectrum os Jupiter is enough to show the absorption line tilt compared to the line from our atmosphere straight. The High Resolution of the Lhires III gives enough accuracy to measure the shift on each planets edges. Shel spectrograph can also be used by taking two spectra, one for each side of the planet. This project is well adapted for 1. Student will be able to calculate the rotational speed of Jupier, its dimension. This article was initially published in Astro. Surf magazine in french. Doppler Fizeau effect. Starlight analysis tell us about star composition, physical conditions such as temperature, pressure, gravity. Spectra also contain speed information thanks to the Doppler Fizeau effect. For low speed let say below 1. Vr by Doppler Fizeau formula where l is the wavelength measured in laboratory and c the speed of light in empty space constant c3. Around Halpha, a 5. This isn order of magnitude to keep in mind. Doppler Fizeau shift is toward greater wavelength when the source and observer move away from each other redshift when seen in visible spectral domain and toward smaller wavelength when the approach from each other blue shift. Red shift is now famous since Hubble, in the 1. Be careful as those measured speed are radial velocities ie projected speed toward the line of sight between observer and the source. Accuracy reached with this method is very high. Doppler Fizeau effect. Giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn reflect light from the Sun. Their spectra are very closed to solar spectrum. Those planets, very large, are well resolved with amateur telescope, specially with long focal length 4 meters or more is recommended where spectrum will be very large. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number' title='Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number' />Jupiter. A high spectral resolution is required to detect the wavelength shift due to the planets rotation. Lhires III, with a resolution about 0. Shel optical fibre echelle spectrogaph will work too by recording two spectra one for each side Lhires III slit makes this project simplier and more spectacular Jupiter spectrum which is used in this article has been done with a C1. F1. 0 and a Lhires III 2. A 3. 0m slit has been used the planet is visible on the guiding imager while the spectrum taken is only of the line going through the slit. Aligning the slit with the planets equator allows to measure the spectrum on the equator where the rotational linear speed is the the greatest. Jupiter spectrum 5min exposureSome absorption lines are tilted. This is due to the the planets rotation the edge approaching toward us is shifted toward the blue while the other edge is moving away from us and redshifted spectrally. The Doppler Fizeau shift is proportional to the speed itself giving the tilted line on the resolved spectrum. Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number' title='Orion Astro 2 0 Serial Number' />Google is stepping up its effort to block phishing attempts that use app permissions to gain access to users Gmail accounts. These phishing attacks invite users to. There arent reliable numbers on the North Korean mobile gaming market, but with limited options for distraction and a small but growing number of phones in the. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. The Orion EZ Finder II reflex sight makes it EZ to center alignment stars. Use the included EZ Finder II reflex sight to help center initial alignment stars when. POPULAR MICROPHONE PLUG AND SOCKET PINOUTS. Xcannon x LLatch Rrubber compound. Historical Timeline Calendar Months Most newspaper article events happen anywhere from days, to months, to years before they reach publication. Some vertical lines are also visible those are created by our Earth atmosphere its normal they remain straight as our atmosphere is fixed compared to us. This project is very simple as the exposure time is short and all the information is included in a single image. Measuring the wavelength shift Dl between each line will allow to calculate the linear speed at planets edge compared to planets center following the equation Vr. Why this factor First because we measure two edges, so the speed is measured twice one for each side. But also the Doppler Fizeau effect is working twice first when the light from our Sun is arriving on the planet. In total, the Doppler Effect is operating four times. On Jupiters spectrum, we first do a vertical cut to find the edge position Y9. Y2. 24 in our exemple. Vertical cut of Jupiter spectrum. Measure of the gap between each side of Jupiter click to enlargeWe extracted each edge spectrum and measured Halpha position with Visual. Spec. Measured shift is 1. Radial velocity at Jupiters equator is then v     3. Lets go a little further. When observing Jupiter visually, one can notice its rotational period of P9. Jupiters diameter D D  v. Power Rangers In Space, often abbreviated as PRIS or simply referred to as In Space, was the. Where l is the wavelength measured in laboratory and c the speed of light in empty space constant c300 000 kms. Around Halpha, a 50kms speed will create a. Lockheeds previous reconnaissance aircraft was the relatively slow U2, designed for the Central Intelligence Agency CIA. In late 1957, the CIA approached the. P  1. 3. 4. 8. This is very close to encyclopedia values D1. Difference is the accuracy in aligning the slit to equator, planets inclination and of course our measurement accuracy. The most curious of you would certainly want to go even further satellites periods allow to measure jupiters mass, then deduct the density. Saturne. From Saturns image to its spectrum. The exercise on Saturn is similar with, on top, rings rotation. This is illustrated with a spectrum taken by Christian Buil Lhires III, digital SLR around infra red spectral domain. Thin solar spectral line are tilted and well visible. Large dark absorption bands are seen on the planet but not the rings those are methan bands from Saturn gaz. Near Infra Rouge spectrum of Saturn Christian BuilThe spectrum which we will use for our calculation has been taken at CALA observatory with a Lhires III 2. C1. 4 F1. 0, Audine KAF4. CCD camera. On planet only, measured Doppler Fizeau shift is 8. We deduct linear speed at equator v  . P1. 0. 6. 6h. Diameter of Saturen is calculated by D  v. P  1. 0. 9 1. This is close to encyclopedia values of 1. Rings spectrum is very different compared to planets one the tilt is not visible. Speed is linear and actually proportional to planets distance. This indicates that while the planet rotate almost as a solid body, the ring have a constant speed with our accuracy. Higher accuracy would show they rotate as a kelperian body because they are not a single body but a group of small bodies following Kelpers law a. T2Cte. Conclusions. Observations we described here are interesting in pultiple way, specially if you are starting in spectroscopy it takes little time as objects are very bright and easy to center on the slit all information is contain in a single short exposure image result is impressive tell your friend you have measured Saturns dimension from your backyard This is great educational project do not hesitate to embark 1. References. Acker, Agns Jaschek Carlos Astronomie, mthode et calculs, dition Masson. See also the excellent document from university of Utrecht http www. Similar project by other Lhires III users. Torsten Hansen Lhires III 2. DMK4. 1. 4exposures of 2. H Alpha Jupiter click to enlarge Astro. Fest 2. 01. 0. For the fourth year, we were at Astro. Fest in London on february 5 6th. On our UK dealer stand, Ian King Imaging, it was a great opportunity to discover our new products and our complete echelle spectroscopy solution the e. Shel. Several known spectroscopists visited us such as Maurice Gavin and Jack Martin dedicating his recent book. NEAF. For the third year, we will be at NEAF  New York, on april 1. Visit our stand to watch our new products Sentinel weather station, echelle spectroscopy solutions. Watch the solar spectrum outside with our Lhires Lite and watch through our e. Shel spectrograph to see all outstanding colors in once RCE 2. Meet us in Paris during the RCE Rencontres du Ciel et de lEspace in november. Several talks on spectroscopy will be given and Shelyak Instruments will have its own booth. Northeast 1. 1 May 2. Game Pes 2014 For Windows 8. Construction Equipment Guide.