Homeopathic Repertory
Untitled.jpg' alt='Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Mercurius is a modern repertorization and materia medica homeopathic software for homeopathic practitioners. General information about homeopathy. A selection articles written by Miranda Castro. There is some information about me, Miranda Castro and my practices, my teaching. James Tyler Kent. Kent is said to have contributed as much to the great homeopathic works as Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Complete homeopathy resource site, online search directory, free newsletters, complete line of remedies, books, homeopathic kits, Alternative health care, safe and. Cured Cases Every human has the right to heal naturally. Una aproximacin hacia un paradigma matemtico de la Homeopata un cdigo fontico numrico como el nuevo parmetro. Respetando las condiciones de. Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Homeopathic and herbal remedies for surviving bioterrorism attacks A disaster plan for emergency preparedness. Natural. News To protect against a bioterrorism attack such as anthrax, plague or smallpox, perform a bioterrorism risk assessment to put in place an effective disaster plan for survival. Emergency response and preparedness is best achieved by preparing a kit beforehand, including natural remedies known for their ability to save lives and detox after a bioterrorism attack. Homeopathic remedies. Buy all homeopathic remedies for a bioterrorism disaster plan in 3. C potency. This brief overview offers recommendations for emergency treatment, not standard homeopathic protocol. Learn to recognize disease symptoms for speedy emergency response and preparedness. Prophylaxis To protect against a bioterrorism outbreak in your vicinity, open remedy bottle and take one sniff of the indicated highlighted remedy, once daily for a week or until threat has passed. Exposure After exposure to a bioterrorism pathogen, sniff the highlighted open remedy bottle once or more often immediately to antidote effects. Repeat as needed. Health preparedness remedies for bioterrorism disaster plan. A variety of counter terrorism health approaches are useful for biological attacks. Combine homeopathy with herbs and supplements for best results. Buy a homeopathic first aid book and learn to use it. One good examples is The Homeopathic Emergency Guide, by Thomas Kruzel. Anthrax. Symptoms Bacterial infection with flu like symptoms followed by corrosive, blackened skin ulcers. Inhalation of anthrax causes difficulties breathing, pneumonia, shock, coma, death. Gastrointestinal anthrax causes diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhaging, burning, restlessness, thirst, anxiety, fear, septicemia and death. Homeopathy Anthracinum and Arsenicum album are the two main remedies for a disaster plan. Additional remedies are Lachesis, Pyrogenium, Tarentula cubensis, Phosphorus, Bryonia. Smallpox. Symptoms Flu like symptoms with purple rash followed by high fever and pus filled bumps. Skin infection develops from open sores with possible hemorrhaging and death. Homeopathy Variolinum, Malandrinum, Sarsparilla, Thuja, Baptisia. Plague. Symptoms Bubonic plague produces large, pus filled lumps on skin over lymph nodes. Pneumonic plague attacks the lungs causing breathing difficulties, pneumonia, septicemia. Both forms lead to death. Homeopathy Pestinum and Crotalus horridus for hemorrhagic plague Lachesis, Arsenicum album are effective for bubonic plague Phosophorus for pneumonic plague. Botulism. Symoptoms Staggering gait, confusion, headache, double and blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, descending muscle weakness. Homeopathy Botulinum and Gelsemium, Arsenicum album, Belladonna Alternate one of these based on individuals symptoms with Botulinum until symptoms recede. Hemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus. Symptoms Initial onset with fever, headache, nausea followed by blood trickling from eyes, gums, nose. Black, bloody vomit with death resulting from organ failure. Homeopathy Crotalus horridus twice daily. Additional Ebola prophylactic treatments alternate Echinacea extract with Crotalus horridus once weekly until threat is out of area. Take each remedy twice daily. Herbs, supplements, home remedies. Calendula non alcoholic liquid calendula treats skin ailments ranging from bacterial infections to yeast. Mix with water and use as a wash for any skin lesion or sore. Manuka honey treats sepsis and other bacterial infections when applied topically. Pascalite clay detoxes, removing pathogens from the body. Mix with calendula, manuka honey, purified water into a paste and apply to skin lesions. Keep moist, reapply as needed. Echinacea used to treat blood poisoning and other septic bacterial skin conditions topically andor internally. Coconut oil and young coconut juice both detoxify blood, destroying pathogens. Coconut juice rehydrates the body and replaces plasma in emergencies when blood transfusions are unavailable. Use either topically on wounds to disinfect, kill fugal infections, and replenish damaged skin. Buy only raw, organic products. Thiosinaminum, homeopathic ointment, is highly effective for scar removal after disfigurement. Teammate Audit Software Demo'>Teammate Audit Software Demo. Food grade diatomaceous earth detoxifies blood and liver from heavy metals and biological toxins. Additional remedies for health preparedness are garlic, colloidal silver, sea salt, baking soda, oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, activated charcoal, ipecac. Sources for this article include Buy hard to find homeopathic remedies here http www. AnthraxandBioterrorism. Boericke, William Materia Medica and Repertory Jain Publishing, 1. Nauman, Eileen Poisons that Heal Sedona, AZ Light Technology Publishing, 1. Kruzel, Thomas, The Homeopathic Emergency Guide Berkley, CA North Atlantic Books, 1. About the author READ MORE OF JEAN JB BARDOTS ARTICLES AT THE FOLLOWING LINKS The JB Bardot Archives www. Natural News https www. Author. 16. 86. html. JB Bardot is an herbalist and a classical homeopath, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. You can find her at The JB Bardot Archives at www. Facebook at https www. Bonetown Crack more. Twitter at jbbardot.